Which books should you read?

✨Daena Garcia✨
7 min readMar 23, 2021


“List of fiction/classical books to read (and I’ve read) .”

Hi fellow writers and readers! since I’m new here, I would like to share something with y’all that I dearly love, and that is the books I’ve read so far ever since I started reading.

As we know, reading is so much better when we feel and gain knowledge from it. While writing has more technicalities involved, it is a challenge to create content for the readers to feel and understand the writer’s narrative (so being a writer isn’t as easy as some people would imagine). With some who wanted to express themselves better, they choose to write to bring out the emotions, creativity, as well as knowledge they gained, to somehow help and connect with people through their literature.

If you also love reading, here are my recommendations!

  1. The Little Prince

Who wouldn’t be mystified by reading this book? to be honest... I got confused when I first read it back when I was in 6th grade; and as time goes by when I kept on re-reading it, I realized it’s confusing because the author uses a lot of figurative languages and perplexing words that wasn’t familiar yet with my little perspective and imagination. But really, it’s a book full of wonder, adventure, and lessons of friendships and loyalty. You might have encountered this story while studying this on your English subjects. Overall, It’s worth the read until the end that will fill you with a lot of reflection.

2. The Divergent Series

I’ve read this back when I was in 8th grade. I was potentially motivated to read this book after watching the movie “Divergent” on my cousin’s laptop because I find it unique and fascinating that it made me curious and interested to read it in our school library. I can say that I didn’t ever regret reading it, it’s captivating that you won’t notice it’s the end of the book! really. The genre itself (sci-fi, romance, dystopian) says it all. One thing that made me stop re-reading it is the fact that after reading multiple books, I find this series quite a bit serious and depressing already in my taste. Still, it’s worth the read! Y’all think we will be a member of the “Divergent” faction lol.

3. The Hunger Games Trilogy

This trilogy... IS FIRE! literally Fuego. It has similarities with the Divergent series as both of which are dystopian fiction. But once you start reading it, it would make you instantly hooked that will interest you to read further. (Some parts of it aren’t in the movie, as well as some parts of the movie isn’t in the book, but it’s always better to read the book to really capture the true meaning behind the character of the story). I’ve read this back when I was in high school, didn’t ever regret wasting my time reading this over my studies lol.

4. The Selection Series

This one is my favorite of all time. It would make you feel giddy, elegantly strong, independent, and intellect-wise (most particularly for women). I don’t know why I love dystopian novels so much, it’s just that when I start, I can’t stop! This is worth a read I promise! would give you a lot of glamour feeling ;)

To add, I’ve also read “The Happily Ever After" as well. You would want to read it after finishing The Selection series. ;)

5. Harry Potter Series

The classic Harry Potter from the most genius author of all time.. who on Earth wouldn’t be a fan of this book after reading this! from the first chapter till the end, J.K Rowling won’t let you feel bored reading it! it’s full of mystery, enchantment, a roller coaster of emotions, and an escapade of imagination! Again, I read it back when I was in highschool lololol (even my high school friends tried reading it and they love it instantly!).

6. Percy Jackson Series

This book has to most epic storyline out of all the fiction books I’ve read so far. It has a lot of trials and adventures that you wouldn’t imagine you wanna read! REALLY. It also has full of humor lol.
If I feel hyped, this book is my go-to read. And there’s still a successor:

7. Heroes of Olympus

I cannot say that this is the exact continuation of the previous book “Percy Jackson", it has different characters who played the role, but it does kind of continue the storyline of the book to end the conflict within the Gods and Demigods. And yes, the previous characters of the book are still here, but you wouldn’t get a glimpse of Percy Jackson’s POV anymore. But you’ll certainly still thirst to read more of it that still has the same epicness and dramatic ending.

8. “Lord of the Rings" and “The Hobbit"

This is a wholesome book for me. It’s filled with a surreal storyline and would make the readers feel they’re living in a fantasy world inside a book. Tho I wouldn’t recommend beginners to read this book because they might get confused about the vocabulary. Overall, this book is the kind that you would want to read repeatedly to better understand the story.

9. The Siren

I really got interested to read Kiera Cass's stories after reading The Selection series. I’d thought why wouldn’t I give this a try?! I also felt peculiarly connected on this book when I first saw the cover of it while looking in the National Books Store (because of my very first novel called “Sirena” I tried writing before back when I was in junior high school and in the end, I didn’t get the chance to finish writing it lol) Eventually, I personally bought this for me in the end.

I would say this would make you feel some kind of emotional feeling throughout the book. I also can’t distinguish if it’s a happy ending or not lol. You judge for yourself ;)

10. Jane Eyre

This book is an old book that will give you a lot of deep emotions within the deep words inscribed in it. It’s a story that best describes being an orphan and the experience of tragic love. It’s really worth a read (mostly for classical readers out there) that will certainly hook the readers until the end and will give you the saddest and happiest smile ever! (no disappointments)

EXTRA: Wattpad Love Stories

Wattpad is a global community of readers and writers that offers a lot of story genres to read. But the BEST to read here in my opinion is “love stories"... I mean who would resist a good romance inside one’s literature that makes the readers feel jiggly, giddy, heart fluttering all over with the feeling of butterflies on your stomach (≧▽≦). BUT the only worry is - they’re pure FICTION. Jeez right? (the feeling of having a crush on a character that doesn’t even exist lol) That’s the uniqueness of being a writer, you can make readers feel the emotions being portrayed even tho it’s not real! haha (sad)

That’s all for now so far! I really appreciate you taking the time to read this. I hope you found something interesting to read about my suggestions. Make me know if you know other good books to read as well! ;)


